- All prices are subject to change without notice.
- Payment may be made by PayPal, personal check or money order.
- To reserve your ad space, email tubecitytiger at
- Discounts are available for non-profit and community groups, including volunteer fire departments, schools, veterans' organizations, and labor unions.
- Ads may be donated on a case-by-case basis, upon request.
Top Page Banner:

- $2 per day, seven days minimum.
- Nominally 650 by 120 pixels, but designed to grow or shrink on mobile phones and tablets
Side of the Page (skyscraper):
- $1.50 per day, seven days minimum
- Nominally 160 by 600 pixels

Side of the Page (square):
- $1 per day, 14 days minimum
- Nominally 300 by 250 pixels
Text Only (reader/classified ad):
- $1 per day, up to 70 words, minimum 7 days
Artwork Charges:
- $15 per hour (estimate given before starting)
- Clients may submit their own artwork
- We reserve the right to reject unsuitable artwork for any reason (blurry, copyright infringments, trademark violations) or no reason.
Podcast Underwriting:
Video Advertisements:
- The production price is $100 for a 30-second spot and $175 for a 60-second spot, and then $1 per day, minimum 14 days.
- We will share your ad on our websites and social media feeds (Facebook and Twitter).
- Sorry: Due to complaints from readers, we do not allow ads to "auto-play."
Sponsored Content:
- We do not accept sponsored content at this time. All advertising and promotional material must be clearly labeled "advertising."
- According to Google Analytics, for the 30 days ending March 28, 2019, our websites served a combined 25,402 unique visitors, of whom 34.7 percent made return visits. They viewed an average of 4 pages per visit.
- 71.5 percent of visitors came from Pennsylvania, and 91.3 percent of those were from the Pittsburgh MSA.
- McKeesport Obituaries demographics: ages 55-64, 32.3%; 65-over, 34.9%
- Tube City Almanac demographics: ages 25-34, 12.11%; 35-44, 16.6%; 45-54, 23.4%; 55-64, 24.9%; 65-over, 20.7%.
- WMCK.FM Internet radio: 119 listeners and 352 visitors for 30 days ending March 28; average time spent listening, 28 minutes; 48.5% of listeners ages 18-44.
Terms and Conditions
- Tube City Community Media Inc., The Tube City Almanac and McKeesport Obituaries (collectively, "The Website") reserve the right to reject any ad for any or no reason.
- All content is the sole responsibility of the person, organization, or other entity ("The Advertiser") placing the ad. This Website and its webhost provider, Skymagik Internet Services, will accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
- The advertiser has the right to produce their own digital artwork for each ad. Artwork should consist of 72 dpi images in JPEG format. This Website reserves the right to reject artwork for any reason that is in the website's opinion unsuitable.
- The operator of This Website will create artwork for ads; the fee will be specified in advance.
- Network connectivity, server problems, or other issues may be outside the control of this website. In the event that the ad cannot be viewed by visitors, liability of this site will be limited to a refund to the advertiser for those days that the ad was not visible.
- Before any advertisement is posted on The Tube City Almanac, This Website and The Advertiser will mutually agree on the calendar days when the ad will appear.
- Each ad will run by a specific, fixed number of days, and will be posted before 12:01 a.m. prevailing time in McKeesport, Pa., unless otherwise approved by the advertiser. "A day" for the purposes of these terms will include 24 contiguous hours beginning at 12:01 a.m. prevailing time in McKeesport, Pa., and ending at 11:59 p.m.
- Payments will be expected in advance unless other arrangements are explicitly approved by This Website.
- Advertising on This Website means that you explicitly accept these terms and conditions.