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Filed Under: Mon Valley Miscellany || By jt3y

October 16, 2004 | Link to this story

Saturday Update: Sic Transit Gloria Mansfield

Category: Mon Valley Miscellany || By jt3y

Sweet Georgia Brown! "The Senator" must be turning in his grave. If you haven't seen this morning's News yet, then the Post-Gazette reports:

The Daily News and the Latrobe Bulletin will merge Nov. 1 Daily News Publisher and Editor Patricia K. Mansfield announced yesterday during an editorial staff meeting that the publication had been sold.

Chris Miles, a former chief financial officer at The Daily News and current publisher of The Bulletin, will be involved in the daily operation of both newspapers.

Miles' partners in the acquisition of The Daily News are George Sample of Huntingdon and William Anderson of Ebensburg.

A six-day publication, The Daily News circulates around 19,000 copies a day. Mansfield told the staff that she and Controller Steve Poknis would not be a part of The Daily News operation after Oct. 30. She advised the staff that Miles does not plan to make any changes for at least two months.

The News doesn't have the story online, but the front page story by ME Jeff Sisk characterizes it as a merger between The Daily News Publishing Company and the Bulletin's owners. The merger will end nearly 80 years of Mansfield family ownership of the News; Senator W.D. Mansfield, Dr. H.S. Arthur, Charles Shaw and William J. Cox purchased the paper (founded in 1884) on March 2, 1925.

It's good to see that the News will continue in operation, and if it's going to be sold, a sale to another Pennsylvania company is probably the best possible outcome. The Latrobe Bulletin --- which a few years ago was a very tired-looking paper --- has received a new lease on life since the current ownership took over in 1999.

Let me take this opportunity, however, to re-affirm that Tube City Online, the Tube City Almanac, and Tube City Omnimedia will continue to be a Mon-Yough area owned- and operated- media empire. At least until I lose interest (which hasn't happened since 1995, anyway).

And let me also re-affirm that we have no plans to sell to any other group. Primarily because, y'know, no one wants us.

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Posted at 6:59 pm by jt3y | Click here and put your ad on Tube City Almanac!
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