Tube City Almanac

July 16, 2008

Call Me Unavailable (Temporarily)

Category: Pointless Digressions || By

I don't usually write about my personal life at the Almanac, but I've been absent for a few days, and I thought I should explain. I've been a little bit busy.

After nearly seven years, I've left the University of Pittsburgh and taken another job.

And although I don't like to mix my professional life with what I do at the Almanac, I will give you a little clue where I'm working now:

Audio Clue No. 1, 900K, MP3

Not sure yet? Here's another clue:
Audio Clue No. 2, 1.4MB, MP3

(By the way: That's the best ... fight song ... ever.)

Normal service will resume shortly; thanks for your patience.

And before you wonder, the parting from Pitt was very pleasant, but difficult. I worked with a really wonderful, witty, warm and talented group of people there, and I will miss them greatly.

But I got an offer I couldn't refuse, and besides, I didn't go too far away, as you've probably already tumbled.

Meanwhile, does anyone out there need any blue and gold neckties? I've got about a dozen that I'll trade. I need some Scottish plaids.

(P.S.: The usual caveats remain in place. Opinions expressed on and at the Almanac are not necessarily those of any employer or organization of which I'm affiliated. I'm not even sure if they're mine.)

Your Comments are Welcome!

Congrats and best of luck, Jason! I am interviewing for a new job today myself.
The Dude - July 17, 2008

Good luck with the new gig !
Donn Nemchick - July 17, 2008

Congrats on the new job Jason! I have to argue the point of the best fight song ever though. It is this one:

The appeal is not just that it is a great song, but the environment in which it has its greatest impact. A cool Saturday afternoon in October…111,000 singing in unison…the band in full sprint through the tunnel and then quickly into the block M…and Keith Jackson in the press box. Whoa Nelly!
Dan - July 17, 2008

I have this mental image of you in a kilt. Ummm — not your best look.

Congratulations! And thanks for the fight song. I’d never heard it before, and it is all kinds of awesome.
Bob (URL) - July 17, 2008

What will you wear UNDER your kilt? I know what a Scotsman would say, but EEEWWWW!
How many places have you worked since leaving CMU?
Good luck on the new gig.
Yer Ol' Boss - July 17, 2008

Oh so THAT’S what you’ve been up to!? Oh and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but that Carnegie Tech fight song is a little outdated. I think Mr. Mellon might be offended.
Eric - July 17, 2008

Interesting fight song. That opening intro sounds like something John Williams would have written for the appearance of a new Jedi Knight.
ebtnut - July 17, 2008

Congrats on the new job!
Alycia Bencloski - July 20, 2008

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