Tube City Almanac

March 20, 2009

Birthday Greetings

Category: Cartoons, General Nonsense || By Jason Togyer

(c) 2009 Tube City Community Media Inc.

Happy 125th birthday to the Daily News! In an era when newspapers across the country are closing, the Mon-Yough area is lucky to have this "community institution."

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Coincidentally, this is also the 12.5th anniversary of Tube City Online. Old-timers can still remember the day in 1996 when a brave pioneering web publisher first trucked a primitive Macintosh computer through the wilds of Liberty Borough in the back of a VW Jetta.

The first website --- then dubbed "McKeesport: The Tube City Home Page" --- rolled through the modem a few weeks later. Using rudimentary dial-up connections, millions of potential readers around the world paid no attention whatsoever.

The past decade-and-a-fourth has seen Tube City Online claw its way from irrelevance to obscurity.

Today, more than 1,800 readers every week visit Tube City Online, which is a publication of Tube City Community Media Inc., whose journalism empire consists of a Merriam-Webster dictionary held together with packing tape; a copy of the Associated Press Stylebook; and half a bottle of Titralac.

What will the next 12.5 years hold? If the past is any indication, then Tube City Online remains on the ladder of publishing success! No one knows, however, whether it's going up or down.

Your Comments are Welcome!

Mr. Togyer,

Congratulations on Tube City Almanac’s longevity. I grew up in McKeesport and frequently return to see family. I may politically disagree with you at times but the hard work you do to keep this site up (and intellectually relevant) is very much appreciated.
Tom Yurik - March 20, 2009

“Intellectually relevant”? Cripes, Tom, watch what you say. I’ve got a reputation to uphold. :-)
Webmaster - March 21, 2009

In fairness, TCO is 12.5 years old. The Almanac section is a relative stripling at (I think) five years old or so.
Webmaster - March 21, 2009

Congratulations on 12.5! I check in a few times a week. I really enjoy your history write-ups and the photos you find. You do thorough research.
George - March 21, 2009

Congratulations on your 12.5th! It’s a great day for Our Fair City and sewer and water authorities throughout the greater Duquesne area!

Anyway, keep up the good work – that’s the idea I was getting at.
Prof. Bag O'Wind - March 22, 2009

Congratulations on 12.5 years of journalistic excellence! Ever think about a feature on the McKeesport Little Theatre? We attended a play last week end and continue to enjoy the quaint and well run venue on the top of Coursin Street. By the way – who was Coursin Street named after? Keep up the good work!
Donn Nemchick - March 22, 2009

Are you sure those 12.5 years aren’t just anecdotal evidence?
Seeing Eye - March 24, 2009

Atta-boy! Can’t wait for the next 12.5!
Thee Dude - March 24, 2009

Hmm, from what the top of the page says, looks like the Heritage Center needs a day off?
Thee Dude - March 26, 2009

Dude … Huh?
Webmaster - March 26, 2009

If you look at the links to the previous and next entries at the top of the page it reads, “Heritage Center Seeks…Sick Day” Sorry, I have a nasty cold and the nyquil is making me silly.
Thee Dude - March 26, 2009

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