Category: Cartoons, General Nonsense || By Jason Togyer
Mr. Togyer,
Congratulations on Tube City Almanac’s longevity. I grew up in McKeesport and frequently return to see family. I may politically disagree with you at times but the hard work you do to keep this site up (and intellectually relevant) is very much appreciated.
Tom Yurik - March 20, 2009
“Intellectually relevant”? Cripes, Tom, watch what you say. I’ve got a reputation to uphold. :-)
Webmaster - March 21, 2009
In fairness, TCO is 12.5 years old. The Almanac section is a relative stripling at (I think) five years old or so.
Webmaster - March 21, 2009
Congratulations on 12.5! I check in a few times a week. I really enjoy your history write-ups and the photos you find. You do thorough research.
George - March 21, 2009
Congratulations on your 12.5th! It’s a great day for Our Fair City and sewer and water authorities throughout the greater Duquesne area!
Anyway, keep up the good work – that’s the idea I was getting at.
Prof. Bag O'Wind - March 22, 2009
Congratulations on 12.5 years of journalistic excellence! Ever think about a feature on the McKeesport Little Theatre? We attended a play last week end and continue to enjoy the quaint and well run venue on the top of Coursin Street. By the way – who was Coursin Street named after? Keep up the good work!
Donn Nemchick - March 22, 2009
Are you sure those 12.5 years aren’t just anecdotal evidence?
Seeing Eye - March 24, 2009
Atta-boy! Can’t wait for the next 12.5!
Thee Dude - March 24, 2009
Hmm, from what the top of the page says, looks like the Heritage Center needs a day off?
Thee Dude - March 26, 2009
Dude … Huh?
Webmaster - March 26, 2009
If you look at the links to the previous and next entries at the top of the page it reads, “Heritage Center Seeks…Sick Day” Sorry, I have a nasty cold and the nyquil is making me silly.
Thee Dude - March 26, 2009
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