Tube City Almanac

June 02, 2009

... And Did You See 'Gung Ho'?

Category: Cartoons, Commentary/Editorial || By

Dan Onorato and Luke Ravenstahl prepare for the G-20 Summit

Your Comments are Welcome!

Excellent Commentary Jason! That’s dead on. I thought the same thing when I heard the news about the G-20 Summit. How will they explain the Mon Valley’s lag?
John - June 03, 2009

I may elaborate on this theory someday, soon, John, but I am getting convinced of one thing:

If the leaders of Allegheny County and the Mon Valley communities over the past 30 years had been Winston Churchill, Moses, Hammurabi, Solomon, Abraham Lincoln, Suleiman and Franklin D. Roosevelt, I think we’d still be in about the same place we are now.

I am becoming convinced that the forces that have affected the Mon Valley are so huge, and so external, that we have coped about as best as we can.

That’s not to say that our fractious government doesn’t waste a lot of money and time. But any damage caused by poor government has been like pouring a teacup full of water into a tidal wave.

Webmaster - June 03, 2009

You have made excellent points Jason…indeed it is great commentary…and I completely agree. While globalization has been great for the “owners” in the “ownership society”, it hasn’t worked out all that well for “unskilled” labor. In Martinsville Virginia, they lured textile companies to move there from New England for cheaper labor around WWII. Now those textile mills are closed and the jobs are in El Salvador. Unskilled work will continue to be won by the lowest bidder.
Dan - June 03, 2009

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