Category: News, Politics || By Submitted Report
Only one candidate for McKeesport City Council submitted information to Tube City Almanac. Loretta Diggs is seeking a Democratic nomination for re-election to council:
For the last eight years, I have had the distinct pleasure of serving as your McKeesport City Councilwoman and now as City Council Vice President. We have made great strides in the last eight years to turn McKeesport around, but there is still much work to be done.
For that reason, it is with great pleasure to announce that I will be seeking a third term as your McKeesport City Councilwoman. We are again looking forward to another election cycle we must face.
We must continue to move this city forward and develop the solutions that are important to the working families of the City of McKeesport. There are many critical races on the ballot for the upcoming primary election. I would again like the chance to represent you and your issues as a member of McKeesport City Council. I am sincere and committed to working for better communities and neighborhoods in our city. We can have a city we can be proud of again. I humbly ask for your support and vote in the upcoming May primary.
It is my opinion that some of our elected officials are in need of compassion and Integrity. We cannot and I will not go along with personal vendettas. I had thought that this is something that we had really gotten past in this city.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "A house divided cannot stand." These people are destroying the faith of our people in this city, that has long wanted to see change. Let's continue to have positive images of our city in the future.
If we don't come together and elect people who have the city's best interest at heart I fear we will be taking a big step backwards. We have come a long way as a city and we cannot afford to go back. The May primary is important, so I urge you to get out and vote. If you need assistance getting to the polls please contact your local Democratic committee person. Once I again I humbly ask for your vote and your support this May.
I find it very telling that the rest of the candidates did not submit information.
Maybe they don’t know what the internet is. Or maybe they’re under the impression that their continued tenure is a right, not an elected privilege.
For that reason alone, they don’t deserve to be elected again. In this upcoming election, I plan to cast a vote for Ms. Diggs. I wouldn’t know her from any other stranger on the street, but she at least cared enough to put forth a modicum of effort to try and keep her position.
Shame on the rest of you.
John - May 11, 2011
I would like to agree w/ John’s comments regarding how telling it is that Ms. Diggs was the only council member who took the time to reassure us that our vote counts. Ms. Diggs has been a prominent voice for the people of this city for the past 8 years. Her views reflect the positive improvement we are seeing and want to continue to see in the future. Ms. Diggs definitely got my vote and my husband’s vote and we hope the rest of the city got out to support her as well. The positive impact Ms. Diggs has had on our city would be sorely missed….So I sincerely hope everyone voted.
Remember people it is your right as an American to vote and many people have died so that you could have that right. On that NOTE I hope everyone got out and voted.
christina mccray
christina mccray - May 18, 2011
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