Police Beat: Armed Robbery Suspect Sought
Category: News || By Submitted Reports

City police are looking for a man suspected of robbing JJ's Deli on Versailles Avenue just before noon Wednesday.
Police said the suspect entered the store at the corner of Evans and Versailles at 11:49 a.m., showed a gun and took the money from the store.
The suspect was described by police as a black male between 5-feet-9 and 5-feet-10 and weighing 210 to 230 pounds. He was wearing a black T-shirt, white undershirt and a black baseball cap.
Anyone with information is asked to call city police Detective Chris Halaszynski at (412) 675-5016.
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NHT Car Break-ins: North Huntingdon Township police are investigating a series of thefts from parked cars. Police Chief Andrew Lisiecki said that motorists should lock their vehicles and keep valuables out of sight. Anyone with information should call township police at (724) 863-8800.
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- April 11, 2015
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