Lincoln Way Construction Begins This Summer
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The state Department of Transportation will begin the long-awaited widening and realignment of Lincoln Way in White Oak this summer.
PennDOT District Executive Dan Cessna said the two-year reconstruction of 1.7 miles of the state-maintained road is one of 66 projects the agency will be working on in Allegheny County this year.
Every day, an estimated 17,000 vehicles use the stretch of Lincoln Way between State Street and Route 48, according to
state traffic-volume maps.
Other work this year affecting the Mon-Yough area will include the continued rehabilitation of the Tri-Boro Expressway, repairs to the George Westinghouse Bridge, and improvements to the intersection of Routes 51 and 88. The total value of the projects --- including repaving 73 miles of road and replacing or repairing 24 bridges --- is $210 million, Cessna said. Most of the contracts have yet to be awarded.
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A PennDOT spokesman said plans for Lincoln Way include addition of turning lanes between Route 48 and Auld Street; addition of sidewalks; a new intersection at Lincoln Way, Henderson Road and Guice Drive; a new intersection at State Street; and new traffic signals.
Estimated cost of the Lincoln Way project is $9 million to $10 million, a PennDOT spokesperson said, not including right-of-way acquisition and relocation of utilities.
Lane closures and detours will occur. Work will begin in late summer and continue through fall 2014.
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Projects continuing from 2012 that affect McKeesport-area motorists include:
- Parkway East (Interstate 376) Squirrel Hill Tunnel Rehabilitation --- Work on a major $49.4 million project to rehabilitate the Squirrel Hill Tunnel started in 2012 and will continue through this year. Single-direction weekend closures will occur through spring and fall. Lane closures through the tunnel in both directions occur on weeknights. The project includes updating electrical systems, lighting system, control system, ventilation system, structural repairs to the walls and arched ceiling, installation of a water line and other improvements. Overall work will conclude in summer 2014.
- Tri-Boro T Intersection --- Work on this $13.4 million project started in late summer 2012 to reconstruct the final T leg of the Tri-Boro Expressway intersection with East Pittsburgh McKeesport Boulevard in East Pittsburgh. The project includes steel multi-girder bridge rehabilitation including replacement of steel beams, concrete deck, concrete barrier, bearings, expansion dams, pier replacement, substructure repairs, approach slabs, drainage, signing and other improvements on the Tri-Boro Expressway between Versailles and Electric avenues. A detour is in place for East Pittsburgh McKeesport Boulevard. Work will conclude in fall 2013.
- Route 30 Electric Avenue Bridges --- Work resumed this March on a $7.8 million project to replace the bridges that carry Route 30 over Electric Avenue in North Braddock. Crews will be reconstructing the westbound bridge on Route 30 this construction season. Work to reconstruct the eastbound bridge was completed last year. Single lane traffic in each direction is being maintained using a crossover. Overall work will conclude this fall.
- Curry Hollow Road Bridge --- Work to replace and improve this bridge over railroad tracks on Curry Hollow Road near Route 51 and the Value City shopping plaza in Pleasant Hills is underway. The eastbound bridge will be reconstructed this year; the westbound structure was completed last year. A turning lane will be added as part of the $5.6 million project. Long-term lane closures are in place with traffic shifted to one side of the roadway. Work will conclude in late fall.
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As previously reported, Walnut Street in McKeesport is scheduled to be repaved from Lysle Boulevard to the Boston Bridge.
Glassport-Elizabeth Road also will be repaved between Lovedale Road in Elizabeth Twp. and Wall Street in Glassport.
Other working beginning this year that will affect Mon-Yough motorists includes:
- Route 130 Tri-Boro Wall Repair --- Work will start this spring on a $917,000 project to repair five walls on the Tri-Boro Expressway between Sycamore Street and Maple Avenue in Wilmerding. Work will conclude in fall 2013. Short-term detours will occur.
- Route 51/88 Improvements --- Work will begin this spring on an estimated $17 million to $18 million project to improve bridges and traffic flow at the intersection of Route 88 (Library Road) and Route 51 in the City of Pittsburgh and Whitehall. The project includes bridge and retaining wall replacements; lane widening; jug handle and turn lane construction; new, computerized signals and other improvements. Work will conclude in 2015. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained on Route 51 during peak travel periods. Detours and closures will occur on other roadways as well as lane closures.
- Route 837 (River Road/State Street) --- Estimated at $4 million to $5 million, this project on 3.23 miles of Route 837 includes patching and overlay of existing concrete pavement, concrete reconstruction, updating guiderails, minor drainage improvements, updated signing and pavement markings in Jefferson Hills, West Elizabeth and Clairton. Work will begin this spring and conclude in late fall. Lane closures and detours will occur.
- Westinghouse Bridge --- Short-term lane closures will occur on the Westinghouse Bridge as part of a $190,000 project to repair bearings. Work will conclude in late summer.
- Bunola River Road --- Traffic will be detoured while this estimated $2 million to $3 million project addresses a landslide on Bunola River Road in Forward Twp. Work will begin this spring and continue through fall 2014.
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