Outbound Squirrel Hill Tunnel Closed this Weekend
Category: Announcements || By Submitted Report

(Google image via PennDOT.)
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The state Department of Transportation is reminding motorists the
Squirrel Hill Tunnel eastbound (from Pittsburgh to Swissvale) will be closed again this weekend.
The closures will occur from 10 p.m. tonight through 6 a.m. Monday. Crews will continue to remove the outbound tunnel ceiling and work on rehabilitating and preserving the outbound bridge over Commercial Street, said Jim Struzzi, PennDOT district spokesman.
When overall work is completed, vertical clearance in the eastbound tunnel will increase from 13 feet, 6 inches to 14 feet, 9 inches.
Additional improvement activities will occur in the tunnel as well to maximize productivity during the closures. The tunnel is also expected to be closed May 10-13 and May 17-20, Struzzi said.
Signs will be posted to guide motorists. The posted detour will require eastbound traffic to form a single lane exiting at the Squirrel Hill/Homestead interchange. Significant delays should be expected and alternate routes considered. The inbound (westbound) tunnel will remain open while the outbound tunnel is closed, although short-term inbound traffic stoppages may occur for equipment access and material removal.
In addition, the on-ramp from the Edgewood/Swissvale (Exit 77) Interchange to eastbound I-376 will be closed this weekend for work in the immediate vicinity, necessitating the use of the alternative detour which runs through Wilkinsburg. Signs will be posted to guide motorists.
The posted detour for daylight hours includes:
- Exit at Squirrel Hill (Exit 74)
- Make left onto Forward Avenue
- Continue taking slight right and stay on Forward Avenue
- Left onto Beechwood Boulevard
- Right onto Forbes Avenue
- Left onto South Braddock Avenue
- Right onto Penn Avenue (Route 380/8)
- Continue through Wilkinsburg
- Slight right onto Ardmore Boulevard
- Access Parkway East in Forest Hills
The posted nighttime detour includes:
- Exit at Squirrel Hill (Exit 74)
- Make left onto Forward Avenue
- Continue slight left/straight onto Murray Avenue
- Right onto Forbes Avenue
- Left onto South Braddock Avenue
- Right onto Penn Avenue (Route 380/8)
- Continue through Wilkinsburg
- Slight right onto Ardmore Boulevard
- Access Parkway East in Forest Hills
Motorists are reminded to use all open lanes to the single lane merge point on the Parkway East, Struzzi said.
If significant congestion and delay are occurring during the outbound closures, PennDOT suggests the following alternative:
- From eastbound I-376, take the Forbes Avenue (Exit 72A) to Oakland
- Continue on Forbes Avenue through Oakland
- Make left onto South Bellafield Avenue
- Make right onto Fifth Avenue
- Continue east on Fifth Avenue
- Make right onto Penn Avenue (Route 380/8)
- Continue through Wilkinsburg
- Access Parkway East in Forest Hills
For more information, visit
PennDOT's website.
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- September 17, 2014
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