Category: Announcements || By Submitted Report
The Trafford Veterans' Memorial Bridge Dedication Committee and the state Department of Transportation will dedicate a new bridge at 11 a.m. Oct. 26.
"We are planning a memorable event to signify this historic moment for Trafford," said Larry George, head of the bridge dedication committee.
The bridge, which carries Route 130 over Turtle Creek from Allegheny to Westmoreland counties, serves as the gateway into Trafford's business district. Mosites Construction Company was the general contractor on the $11 million project, which began in April 2012 with the demolition of the former bridge.
The former bridge, which was constructed in 1964, had become deficient and as a result was weight restricted. "The new bridge which is being completed more than one month ahead of schedule will be safer and more driver-friendly, featuring a wider and more open intersection on the business district side, as well as Trafford's first permanent traffic signal," said Joseph Szczur, district executive for PennDOT.
The event will kick-off with recognition of the individuals who were instrumental in the construction of the bridge, followed by a salute to our veterans, a ribbon-cutting ceremony and a parade featuring active military and veterans and the Penn-Trafford High School Marching Band, Color Guard and Cheerleaders.
Trafford's public works, police and fire departments also will be present to celebrate the dedication.
The bridge dedication committee is still seeking donations to help defray the cost of the event. Donations can be made sent to Trafford Borough, PO Box 196, Trafford, PA 15085, in care of "Trafford Veterans Bridge Dedication."
For more information about the event, call Larry George at (412) 373-2276.
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