Tube City Almanac

October 13, 2006

In Other News

Category: default || By jt3y

I want to thank all of you, by the way, who took the time to email me regarding what I wrote Thursday night --- including those of you who said it was unadulterated rot.

To borrow a phrase from Art Buchwald, that's not true. I write only adulterated rot.

Speaking of adulterated rot, I had some fun with Photoshop after work yesterday, and my adulterations made Nancy Nall's blog. It's the highlight of an otherwise mediocre career, frankly. (Mine. Nancy's had a fine career.)

. . .

In Other Business: Our Fair City is pistachio'd at Penn State.

We all saw this coming, and unfortunately, I can't say I blame the city one whit. Because of the decision to change the name of the McKeesport Campus to "Allegheny Campus," Penn State will no longer be allowed to sell its ice cream at International Village:

Mr. Segina said it wasn't just Penn State that irritated him, but the letters in the local newspaper from people who grew up in McKeesport, graduated from Penn State McKeesport and now live in White Oak who applaud the name change. ...

Councilman Dale R. McCall had a longer-term idea. He noted that the city had named the street leading to the campus University Drive, which gives the campus a University Drive address.

(Aside: The "local newspaper," Ann? Gee whiz, does John Robinson Block cough up a furball if someone writes the McKeesport Daily News? I assume that's the "local newspaper" she meant, unless the Clairton Progress went back into print and I didn't notice.)

Anyway, did the Almanac call it, or did the Almanac call it? This name change is driving a wedge between the city and Penn State. That didn't have to happen. It shouldn't happen.

God bless Mayor Jim Brewster, who's trying to see if cooler heads (no pun intended) can't prevail; according to Ann Belser in the P-G, he's asking council not to change the name of the street as he tries to get the university to reconsider.

As for me? I like Reinhold's anyway.

. . .

To Do This Weekend (besides moving to Maryland or someplace else where your choices aren't Casey or Santorum for Senate): The Haunted Hills Hayride, located on Route 48 in North Versailles, just north of Route 30, continues through Halloween. It's open at 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Cost is $10, and proceeds the Autism Society of Pittsburgh. Call (412) 824-1214. ... North Huntingdon Township holds a fishing derby tomorrow from 8 to 11 a.m. Children 14 and younger are welcome. That's at Indian Lake Park on Clay Pike. Both township residents and non-residents may participate. Call (724) 863-3806.

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