Category: default || By jt3y
And now, a commentary from KHB-TV Vice President and General Mangler John G. Econoline.
In this editorial taped last week, Mr. Econoline addresses the Penguins' desire for a new arena and the slot machine license awarded to Majestic Star.
The views of Mr. Econoline do not necessarily represent the views of this website or its mismanagement. For a transcript, learn to write really fast. Responsible replies are unlikely.
P.S. Mike Madison has a slightly less curmudgeonly take on the Pens' arena --- and other ridiculous nonsense raised by a ridiculous and nonsensical Post-Gazette op-ed --- at Pittsblog.
Mr. Econoline, despite sounding a bit gruff and grumpy, has hit every nail on the head! I can’t wait to see the Penguins go.
E. - January 03, 2007
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